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 Sujet du message: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Ven Juil 03, 2009 9:56 am 
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Inscription : Ven Juil 03, 2009 9:00 am
Message(s) : 4
Hi folk...

My first first question :wink:

I have problem with time...

I use v2.0.281b with WS3600.dll for my Lacrosse3650

I set my time zone to +1 in Location and in "Option/Data sources" option of ws3600.dll i put-in -2 in "Adjust hour"

In TAB "last 24h" i have exactly time (current time) on the right margin of graphics, the meteo value is syncro with current time and this is OK. :mrgreen:

The issue is in the $WeatherConditions[Icon].
If i read rise and set time of ephemerides, i have exactly 2 hours of delay with SunRise, SunSet and MoonRise, moonSet in Weather conditions Icon.

I tray to set in option of ws3600.dll, +0 in "Adjust hour".
The $WeatherConditions[Icon] working fine... but in TAB "last 24h" the meteo value on the right margin is not a current value but a old value, delayed 2 hours before...

Is possible to have a good time and a correct Icon in weather Condition??

Tank you in advance :lol:

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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Dim Juil 05, 2009 5:49 pm 
Site Admin
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
Your station is correctly configured with the your timezone? and Windows too?

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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Dim Juil 05, 2009 5:59 pm 
Nouveau membre

Inscription : Ven Juil 03, 2009 9:00 am
Message(s) : 4
TiToine a écrit:
Your station is correctly configured with the your timezone? and Windows too?

Hi TiToine.

Yes, my timezone (Rome) is +1 and Windows Time is correctly...


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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Dim Juil 05, 2009 6:48 pm 

Inscription : Dim Juil 27, 2008 6:06 pm
Message(s) : 478
Check you have correctly set longitude, it has to be negative in East direction

Ma station =>
--- Station Vantage Pro 2 - Plugin VantagePro.dll ---
--- GraphWeather Version 2.0.312b ---

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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Dim Juil 05, 2009 9:42 pm 
Nouveau membre

Inscription : Ven Juil 03, 2009 9:00 am
Message(s) : 4
Pidou a écrit:
Check you have correctly set longitude, it has to be negative in East direction

Hi Pidou

Yes, my Longitude is negative, i have in ephemerid rise and set time OK for my location.

With -2h in "Adjust hours" in "Option/Data sources" the time in graphics is OK but the $WeatherConditions[Icon] is wrong, change fron sun to moon with 2 delayed hours.
If i set +0h in "Adjust hours" $WeatherConditions[Icon] working fine but the time in graphics is wrong....i use Stylesheets gradient.xml and if i use Last 24h, i have a 2 ours of delay on the right margin for temperature value but also for all Pressure and Humidity, all value old 2 hours before....


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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Lun Juil 06, 2009 7:14 pm 

Inscription : Dim Juil 27, 2008 6:06 pm
Message(s) : 478
OK, I missunderstood your problem.
I have no issue of this kind in the french version

Ma station =>
--- Station Vantage Pro 2 - Plugin VantagePro.dll ---
--- GraphWeather Version 2.0.312b ---

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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Jeu Juil 09, 2009 10:22 pm 
Site Admin
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
Do you know if the history.dat format is the same for WS3600 and WS3650?
Note that the Weather Condition icon can be different on your WS3650 display.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Jeu Juil 09, 2009 11:23 pm 
Nouveau membre

Inscription : Ven Juil 03, 2009 9:00 am
Message(s) : 4
TiToine a écrit:
Do you know if the history.dat format is the same for WS3600 and WS3650?
Note that the Weather Condition icon can be different on your WS3650 display.

Hi TiToine.

No, i don't know if history.dat is the same for 3650 and 3600...

But the problem is not on my display..but in Temps actuel icon
I have a sun set with 2 hours of delay in comparison to the right time of ephemerid, sun set at 22:46 instead of 20:46.
Yes i have a -2h in "Adjust hours" in "Option/Data sources" but with this setting the current time is OK and syncro with current meteo value (temp, pressure) on the extreme right margin gradient.xml (current day graphics)

If i set +0h in "Adjust hours" in "Option/Data sources", i have
$WeatherConditions[Icon] OK, sun set is at 20:46 but the temperature, pressure on on the extreme right margin gradient.xml (current day graphics) is wrong, the value ar old value, delayed 2 hours before.

Sorry for my bad english...


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 Sujet du message: Re: Time confused.....
MessagePublié: Lun Juil 20, 2009 3:57 pm 
Site Admin
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
Send me your history.dat with the last record date. I will take a look.

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