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 Sujet du message: Transition from 1.6.1 to 2.X.X
MessagePublié: Ven Juil 18, 2008 1:07 pm 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34
Antoine, long time since my last post. This is due to the smooth operation of GW.
My aplogies for not reading French, so I'm not capable of extracting information from this forum that may answer my questions :oops:

I'm about to upgrade to version 2 of GW.
What do I need to prepare in advance?
Will it run the Stylesheets of 1.6.1?
How about my templates, are they compatible direct?

Please alert me of any changes that I need to consider before installing GW 2.X.X
Also if you have made improvements and added functionality, I'd be glad to hear of them.
(My apologies if there are an english changelog available that I haven't found).


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MessagePublié: Ven Juil 18, 2008 2:17 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal

First you should make a backup of you current 1.6.1 (zip the whole directory).
Next you can install the 2.X.X over your 1.6.1.

All is compatible between the two versions.

Note that all tag $CURRENT, etc. are deprecated and should be replaced by the new tag defined here :

There is lot of new features like Statistics (big big improvment), index min/max on gauge, new options layout, etc...
The design of GW has been changed to have a kernel in a dll (could be interfaced with C#) and language dll.

So try it.


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MessagePublié: Ven Juil 18, 2008 2:29 pm 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34
I'll give it a try tonight.


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MessagePublié: Ven Juil 18, 2008 11:07 pm 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34

I've made the swap to latest cut of GW.
Stats look awesome :)

When it comes to the server I do run into problems. The stylesheets are doing fine, but when I try to pass stats through it's not working. As soon as the request is sent to the server GW halts and this error message appears.
The Server log shows the following. Note the first request for an image is passed OK. The log ends after requesting the include_day:
Code :
18/07/2008 22:20:12 : Main thread started.
18/07/2008 22:20:19 : Receive request from client 576. Starting new thread...
18/07/2008 22:20:19 : Client thread 576 started
18/07/2008 22:20:20 : Ip request GET /graphs?format=jpg&starttime=1216326019&stoptime=1216412419&stylesheet=modern.xml HTTP/1.0Host:
18/07/2008 22:20:23 : Client thread 576 stopped.
18/07/2008 22:20:38 : Receive request from client 816. Starting new thread...
18/07/2008 22:20:38 : Client thread 816 started
18/07/2008 22:20:38 : Ip request GET /stats?format=template&starttime=1216335600&stoptime=1216422000& HTTP/1.0Host:

It doesen't matter if I change the include_day to just contain "Hello World". So it's not the contents of the template that stops GW.

One thing I'm noticing is that when I click the Stats Icon (Pie shape) I don't get anything populated. Here is an image: Image

I'm running through plugin mysql.
Other stuff i've tried Tried to run stats database in memory (on/off) Auto update (on/off)

Any ideas what's going on? I'm stuck

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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 12:09 am 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
The server has not been tested...I should reproduce this bug easily.

Version 2.x.x still remains Alpha version, so they contains bugs.

"Other stuff i've tried Tried to run stats database in memory (on/off) Auto update (on/off)"
These options have no effect since stats are used in stylesheet, so they have to be loaded all the time. The update is made each minute.

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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 12:42 am 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34
WoW, you're working late. Shouldn't you be partying on a friday night?
Myself, I'm stuck at work doing nightshift. :x

I'll check back later to see what you've come up with.

I've just disabled stats in the MyGW.php for now since graphics are working OK.

I can't wait to get the stats part live though. That is impressive :mrgreen: . I'll try to make a translation to Norwegian if possible. Editing the xsl files should do the trick, right?


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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 1:25 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
I live in North America so :mrgreen:

Are you plan to use stats via the server ? I mean share the the whole directory "Statistics".

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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 2:05 pm 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34
I haven't really looked too deep into how to achieve this.
The MyGwstats.php does the trick. (by the way what is Tn/Tx ?)
I need too look into how to translate the result into Norwegian.

I guess passing stats through the server is obsolete when I can have the new feature with compiled stats uploading at set intervals.
Previously I was using the MyGW.php to present graphs and stats (you know-- you made it :)
It will be sufficient to pass only graphs through the server (custom intervals chosen by visitor). The graphweather.php has served me nicely for presenting old data, but I'd like the GWServer to do the job from now on. Making eyecandy is easier in GW than through the jpgraph library.

Is it possible to set a custom directory for the statistics files? So I can easily publish them on the web? Or is it already planned to call the statistics (as is) through the server?

I'm very excited about the new stats. I must say. Good job.


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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 2:14 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
For the translation, yes you should edit the xsl files. You can also change the presentation, XL is wonderfull :mrgreen: .
To present on your website the stats, you have to export the complete folder "statistics" via GW (GW supports now the exportation of directories) or another program.
After that you call MyGWStats.php on your site and that's all!

The directory "statistics" is hardcoded.

Edit : Tn/Tx are norms used in France. It's temperature min max taken between particular hours.

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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 9:31 pm 

Inscription : Lun Fév 05, 2007 10:22 pm
Message(s) : 34
Had plenty of fun with my translation. It's working out OK.
I can't seem to crack the time formatting ie.
. Time is formatted like 14h20, when I'd prefer 14:20. It would also be favourable to have a choice of changing coded date formatting to any language so that my Stats page would spell out "Stats for Monday July 5th" in my native language. (Those generated in php and xml-defined are ofcourse already changeable)

[edit]I see that month and yr pages fortmat time differently. hmmmmmm....[edit]

Did I miss the clue for achieving this on the Stats pages?
Link to my Stats at bottom of post.
I can foresee that I will add a graph (through the server) on each day/month page of the stats.

Could someone please explain the reported Tn/Tx in detail? It might be a nifty thing to keep in the stats (If I could explain it to my visitors :D )

Enjoy your weekend folks.
Audun (work in progress :mrgreen: )

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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 19, 2008 11:24 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
The languages for the date are version dependent, french or english version.

I could add the choice in language for the stats, and generally all dates in GraphWeather, in the next release.

For Tn/Tx (google translation...):

Given what we said about the maximum and minimum in a day, Tn and Tx are measured on different ranges. The Tn is measured between J-1 to J and 18h to 18h. For example, Tn today will be measured between yesterday afternoon 18h and 18h today. You have to understand the impact of this choice because it's very cold today at 18h01 and that tomorrow is heatwave, this is indeed the Tn tomorrow to be very low (including tempérture at 18h01 d 'today) ... A knowledge to interpret these valuers then!
Similarly, the maximum temperature is measured between 6 am to J and J +1 at 6am. Here contrast, the maximum one-day uses a range on horseback between today and tomorrow morning.

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