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MessagePublié: Mer Avr 16, 2008 9:12 pm 

Inscription : Dim Mars 16, 2008 1:14 pm
Message(s) : 83
Hello Antoine,
little question : I've found an incorrect data in my histroy.dat ( 120mm of rainfall due a electronic noise or wind or...other) and I've corrected it with your ws3600 editor...all ok, all data is back top normal situation.
the problem is that the grapichs have recorded this wrong data and it visible in statistic data and in grapichs too.
Is there any method to reload ALL correct data like form the first installation and refresh all data/grapichs?
I've tried with RELOAD but don't work, the wrong record is not cleared.
Now my history is correct.

Tnx again and sorry for trobble.


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