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MessagePublié: Dim Mars 24, 2013 10:42 pm 
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Inscription : Sam Mars 23, 2013 3:23 am
Message(s) : 4
I am having a fun time beginning to get to know this amazing program.

However, being very constrained by knowing only English, I have been learning on basically a trial and error method.

I have Weather-Display outputting a comma delimited file and using CSV.dll to read it in.

I run the weather program on an older computer that is very stable and is running XP service pack 3.

When I began with GW, I used the 2 version and found out that some data were not plotted correctly, and that the corrected code was only in the 3 version.

When I have updated to that version, the first time I ran GW all was well.

When I shut down and restarted it again in a few days, the little splash screen saying Graph Weather comes up, but then errors out and Windows wants to know if I want to send an error report.

Once before when GW couldn't find the source file, it said so and I was able to get it to start, then go into setup and repoint to the correct file. It will not get that far this time.

I have tried rebooting the computer several times.

I have tried using the Uninstall function and re-installing, all with no further progress.

Is there a reason that GW 3 will not run under XP? I don't know if I can upgrade this computer to Win7 and wish to avoid the expense if at all possible.

Thank you for writing such a program, it is a very versatile display generator.

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MessagePublié: Lun Mars 25, 2013 4:54 am 
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Inscription : Mar Août 22, 2006 8:38 am
Message(s) : 3145
Localisation : 34410 Sérignan - Languedoc
Hello Dale,
welcome on board !
There is no compatibility problem between XP and GW.
The problem you state is more probably due to a date/time anomaly in one or more lines of your CSV file.

Have a nice day


Station : VP2 Pro Console Vue + anémomètre à Ultra-sons
Logiciels : Cumulus 1.9.4 + Cumulus2SQL
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PC : W10
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"Aide-toi d'abord toi-même et les autres t'aideront ... peut-être"

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MessagePublié: Sam Mars 30, 2013 1:49 am 
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Inscription : Sam Mars 23, 2013 3:23 am
Message(s) : 4
Thank you. I am off to look for clues.

May I ask another question, please?

As I study to learn how this program reads the .xml files, I find that there are repeating strings that draw the data onto the various lineplots.

Where may I find out what the allowed values are, and the general effects of statements such as I have found in the very impressive plots such as "tab full graph + radiation.xml" which say such things as:


and others which appear in the <labels> lines, but also in the <ticks> lines?

I have been changing one number to see what seems to happen on the screen with a redraw, but sometimes my twiddling causes GraphWx to not function and it takes some time to get all working files restored to the directories and back to experimenting again.

I would like to know if there is a descriptive file that tells me what the allowable values might be so as to not cause GraphWx to error, and also more accurately choose a value that might give me the results I wish to draw.

Thanks. Dale

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MessagePublié: Sam Mars 30, 2013 7:23 am 
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Inscription : Mar Août 22, 2006 8:38 am
Message(s) : 3145
Localisation : 34410 Sérignan - Languedoc
Hi Dale,
I think that you are looking for something like that :
There are a few minor updates which are missing in this english version of the document. However, you may use google translation with french version. Major modifications deal with "data" tag and the "probes".
As far as as know, there is nothing else that could answer your questions.


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MessagePublié: Dim Mars 31, 2013 2:44 am 
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Inscription : Sam Mars 23, 2013 3:23 am
Message(s) : 4
This was excellent, exactly what I was hoping for!

I understand so much more (but not much, as of yet) on how this program can be made to work.

And as an extra measure, there was a handy color picker that would translate to the correct Octet code for colors!

I would hope that the author might consider a link to this site within his distribution package for those who wish to understand more deeply how the statements work, and is worth it's weight in gold.

Thanks again for taking the time to help me get my direction in using this program. I am more pleased with each time I work with it.


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MessagePublié: Ven Avr 05, 2013 9:31 pm 
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Inscription : Sam Mars 23, 2013 3:23 am
Message(s) : 4
Despite making several attempts to remove files from my XP system, I cannot get the XP computer to start up GraphWeather again. It gets to the Splash screen and then errors out.

I did notice when attempting to troubleshoot the problem on the Windows 7 computer, that if I use the Uninstall function in the Windows Start/Settings/Control Panel area, that it removes things, but then when I re-install, some of the settings I had are set back to my configuration before removal, in other words there appears to be some file remaining that ISN'T removed that has pointers to the directories where the data files are and also the settings for the type of file (comma delimited) and which position the probes should refer to in that file.

This might explain why re-installing GraphWeather on the XP system doesn't bring me back to a fresh install, and get past a bad data file that is causing an error.

Does anyone know where this configuration file is? Is this stored in the registry which doesn't get wiped out when the Uninstall is done? If I I could remove the configuration settings and start fresh I would be able to use a known working file from the Windows 7 setup?

Thank you for patience as I get to know this program.


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