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 Sujet du message: Bargraph: HELP!
MessagePublié: Jeu Sep 20, 2012 1:48 pm 
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Inscription : Jeu Sep 13, 2012 1:18 pm
Message(s) : 7
Hi all, I'm using Graphweather v 2.0.321 to realize custom graphs; the weather station is using Cumulus program, but the graphs are not customizable so I use Graphweather to have better graphs,

Graphweather is configured to use plugin-base CSV.dll and read data from realtimelog.txt (in this file are collected the data from realtime.txt)

In realtimelog.txt file it is not logged dailyrain data, but this data is logged in dayfile.txt

This is a semplified example of dayfile.txt
Code :

on 06/09/12 daily rain measured is 1 mm, on 07/09/12 daily rain measured is 2 mm and so on

I have also configured plugin_optional_1 CSV.dll and configured relative_rainfall_1 in column 2

and the graph is shown below

This is XML code to generate the graph

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<image width="750" height="300" />
<frame width="750" height="300" position-x="0" position-y="0" shadow="0">
<title text="" alignement="left|top" angle="0">
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="400" italic="0" />
<background color1="FFBBBBFF" color2="FFFFFFFF" gradient="1" gradient-direction="135" stretch="1" />
<border cornerradius="0" color="55555555" thick="1" />
<!-- ================= First Lineplot ================= -->
<lineplot width="680" height="300" shadow="0" position-x="10" position-y="10" margin-top="30" margin-right="5" margin-bottom="50" margin-left="40">
<xaxis color="FF000000" grid="1" autoscale="0" min="0" max="0">
<title text="" alignement="vcenter|hcenter" angle="0">
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="400" italic="1" />
<labels labelinterval="1" angle="0" format="%d/%m/%y" side="left" hide="0">
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="400" italic="1" />
<ticks majorticks="8" minorticks="0" side="bottom" hidefirst="0" hidelast="0" hideminorticks="0" hide="0" />
<y1axis color="FF000000" grid="1" autoscale="1" min="0" max="0" titleside="top" titlemargin="35">
<title text="Pioggia giornaliera ($Unit[Rainfall])" alignement="vcenter|hcenter" angle="0">
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="400" italic="1" />
<labels labelinterval="1" angle="0" format=".0" side="left" hide="0" >
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="400" italic="1" />
<ticks majorticks="4" minorticks="4" side="left" hidefirst="0" hidelast="0" hideminorticks="0" hide="0" />
<relative_rainfall_1 axisbind="y1axis" legend="Pioggia giornaliera" color1="FFFF0000" filled="0" hide="0" thick="1.2"/>
<legend orientation="0" margin="5" width="635" position-x="50" position-y="5" hide="0" shadow="0">
<font color="FF000000" facename="Arial" size="14" weight="700" italic="1" />
<border cornerradius="0" color="55555555" thick="1" />
<background color1="FFBBBBFF" color2="FFFFFFFF" gradient="1" gradient-direction="90"/>
<border cornerradius="0" color="55555555" thick="0" />
<background color1="00000000" stretch="1" />
<graphbackground color1="FFCCCCFF" color2="FFFFFFFF" gradient="1" gradient-direction="90" />

The problem I have:
I would like to graph daily rain NOT with lineplot but with bargraph, but if I use "bargraph" instead of "lineplot" X-axis labels are set to 0



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