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MessagePublié: Mer Déc 21, 2011 10:57 pm 
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Inscription : Dim Déc 18, 2011 11:41 am
Message(s) : 5
I downloaded this software (GraphWeather) and is very useful. Congratulations to the author/s.

For the TFA Nexus, Sinus, Duo weather station or other similar stations could be used in conjunction with the software of TFA.

The nexus, sinus TFA software does the work to download data via the USB connection and write it to a dbf database ( NexusOrg.dbf, SinusOrg.dbf).

GW can read data directly from the database Dbf (NexusOrg.dbf or SinusOrg.dbf) through the ODBC plugin and process the graphs for internet publishing.

There is only one BIG problem. In the dbf database, the date is stored with a number indicating the days since 01/01/1900 (like Excel).

For example: 39765.472222222 indicates November 13, 2008 11:30 am

-- Request --

I wanted to ask the author if can implement on GW the date conversion since 01/01/1900. (see picture)

He would do a lot of happy owners of Nexus, Sinus, Duo etc. weather stations.


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MessagePublié: Jeu Déc 22, 2011 9:28 am 
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Inscription : Mar Août 22, 2006 8:38 am
Message(s) : 3145
Localisation : 34410 Sérignan - Languedoc
there is a simple way which may help solving your problem : create a view where you convert your actual date or datetime field to a one acceptable by GW, and use this view as GW input for ODBC plugin. As far as I remember, this kind of date conversion has already be discussed... but that was in french for SQL datetime format!


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MessagePublié: Jeu Déc 22, 2011 4:16 pm 
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Inscription : Dim Déc 18, 2011 11:41 am
Message(s) : 5
Thanks for the fast response.

I read on the forum a lot of information about this solution that is to create an appropriate view.
But it is certainly easier if the database is MySQL or MS Access or SQL Server or IBM Db2 etc.

A DBF database consists of tables of individual phisical files.
The TFA Nexus data are recorded in a single file consisting of a single table.
You can create a view in this type of database?

Does anyone know how to do?

Thanks to those who can help with that.

(I attach the SinusOrg.dbf database)

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MessagePublié: Jeu Déc 22, 2011 9:41 pm 
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Inscription : Mar Août 22, 2006 8:38 am
Message(s) : 3145
Localisation : 34410 Sérignan - Languedoc
I'm going to have a look to your table.
Could you let me know what is the engine you use Dbase, access, foxpro, oracle, paradox, Mssql all of them can handle dbf files and should be able to create view from your file I would like to test with the same environment than you have.
You can create a view on one table or on multiple tables as long as you can link them together and you use correct SQL statements.
Good evening



Station : VP2 Pro Console Vue + anémomètre à Ultra-sons
Logiciels : Cumulus 1.9.4 + Cumulus2SQL
Serveur local : Apache + MySQL +PHP
PC : W10
Support Audio : FR
"Aide-toi d'abord toi-même et les autres t'aideront ... peut-être"

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MessagePublié: Sam Déc 24, 2011 11:02 am 
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Inscription : Dim Déc 18, 2011 11:41 am
Message(s) : 5
Thanks for the suggestions, jturlier.
I understand how it could be done.
I did many tests and I did, using MS Access.

I enclose an illustrated guide on how to do, for all owners of the TFA Nexus, Sinus, DUO weather stations (and clones)

Of course, I remain of the view that it would be easier to integrate the functionality in GraphWeather.
In fact it seems that the software is in the continuous phase of development.
In fact, the disadvantage of this solution is that it requires MS Access.

Attached is a guide for use GraphWeather with weather stations Nexus, Sinus,Duo using MS Access as DB engine.

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MessagePublié: Lun Déc 26, 2011 12:03 pm 
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Inscription : Dim Déc 18, 2011 11:41 am
Message(s) : 5

I have configured, such as attached guide, and everything worked very well.

After I rebooted the PC and now doesn't work.
I always get an ODBC error that terminates GraphWeather
I reinstalled the software, reconfigured the ODBC connections and nothing.
I always get the same error.

I tested with version 3 (GW3) but doesn't work.
Someone would know to give me some help.

AppName: graphweather.exe
AppVer: 2.0.321.0 ModName: odbc.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0002dd98

I attach some picture and database (SinusOrg.dbf and SinusOrg.accdb)

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