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 Sujet du message: Current weather question
MessagePublié: Dim Oct 30, 2011 8:07 am 
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Inscription : Jeu Sep 22, 2011 10:24 pm
Message(s) : 6
Hi, I have GraphWeather V2.0.321 english version and a question about current weather status.

When in the current weather menu is setting "auto" which sensors are considere to resolve the actual weather? Only pressure?
I had see that if is phisically raining and the rain level is correctly reads from GW and published in the used template is usually to see in the same template a "cloudy" or "heavy cloudy" status.

The rain sensor don't had a "more high" priority on pressure level?

I don't have a UV or solar radiations sensors but in the same mode I think if are read e high level of solar radiation and UV also if the pressure isn't over 1026hPa current weather should be "sunny".


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 Sujet du message: Re: Current weather question
MessagePublié: Dim Oct 30, 2011 6:21 pm 
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Inscription : Mar Août 22, 2006 8:38 am
Message(s) : 3145
Localisation : 34410 Sérignan - Languedoc
Hello Mattia,
I think that there were some discussions on this subject, but unfortunately they were in french (sorry I cant find them back), the only adjustment that can be done in 2.0.321 depends upon pressure only.
I do understand that if raining with 1015 hPa you should have rain icon. ... s%23p16171
Have a look to the 11th of march there were some discussion on forecast icon

To answer your previous message
Mattia a écrit:
Hi, this is my first post here... I have GraphWeather V2.0.321 english version.

At this moment (13:28) in forecast is write "Night Partly Cloudy".... is possible set a switch time from day to night and viceversa for the forecast?
Like from 6am until 6pm forecast with "day" and from 6pm until 6am forecast with "night".

Thank, Mattia

this is not quite clear, the words day or night depend on the sunrise and sunset times


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 Sujet du message: Re: Current weather question
MessagePublié: Lun Oct 31, 2011 1:33 pm 
Nouveau membre

Inscription : Jeu Sep 22, 2011 10:24 pm
Message(s) : 6
Thanks for answer, a new features for new version.....

For the other ask I have add a screen shot with the wrong icon in the other post.


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