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MessagePublié: Ven Déc 25, 2009 6:20 pm 
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Inscription : Ven Déc 25, 2009 5:54 pm
Message(s) : 5
I Antoine! i've find your useful and very good application for weather stations, compliments!
I use a stylesheet modified by another utilisator of your program who has written his code.

i've a lacrosse 3650 with the knew problem in rainfall. i put 0.515 for probes correction in relative, absolute, 1h and 24h probes, and in my sheet the value of 1h rain, max 1h rain, 24h rain, daily rain appear to be correct, but if i try to put also a code for month rain or year rain, the value is for example 200mm against 212mm. datas are taken from history.dat

those are the codes which have a good result, corresponding to real datas on the consolle.

Code :
<line text="Pioggia ultima ora   \t\t   $Current[rainfall_1h] $Unit[Rainfall]"/>
         <line text="Massima pioggia in 1 $MaxDate[rainfall_1h,ora %Hh%M] $Stats[Day,Max,rainfall_1h] $Unit[Rainfall] "/>
         <line text="Totale pioggia oggi  \t\t   $Cumul[relative_rainfall] $Unit[Rainfall]"/>
         <line text="Totale Pioggia ultime 24 ore        $Current[absolute_rainfall] $Unit[Rainfall]"/>

this is the code i would like to use for month an year rain

Code :
<line text="Totale Pioggia Annua\t\t   $Stats[Year,TotalRainfall] $Unit[Rainfall]"/>
         <line text="Total rainfall : $Current[absolute_rainfall] $Unit[Rainfall]"/>

but how i told you before, the values are under the real ones; i don't know how to resolve the problem. i tried to change the values from 0.515 for example to 0.50 to makes some trying, and after that i do reset statistics from scrath but the values on rain don't change...

i would like to ask you how can i resolve this problem... i'm interested in month and year rain... all the remaining things are perfect, you product is very very useful!

kindly waiting for your answer, have a happy Christmas!!


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MessagePublié: Sam Déc 26, 2009 8:58 am 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 20, 2006 11:16 am
Message(s) : 3356
Localisation : Montréal
The correction should be applied only for the relative_rainfall probe. Absolute, 1h and 24h are calculated with the relative rainfall probe.

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MessagePublié: Sam Déc 26, 2009 2:34 pm 
Nouveau membre

Inscription : Ven Déc 25, 2009 5:54 pm
Message(s) : 5
ok, i will try to do as you suggest.. thankyou very much! :D

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