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MessagePublié: Sam Juil 21, 2012 10:12 pm 

Inscription : Mar Jan 11, 2011 3:57 pm
Message(s) : 12

We have a computer running multiple instances of GraphWeather, with the "allow multiple instances of GraphWeather" enabled on their settings.

Every instance has scheduled to upload by FTP some reports every 5 minutes. It normally works well, but I have noticed that if any GraphWeather instance gets locked (for example, doing a rebuild of the statistics... it takes some minutes of work), the other instances of GraphWeather are like locked, and they do not respond and not upload the scheduled reports by FTP.
When the firts instance of GraphWeather ends its task, all the pending reports of the other instances are processed and uploaded by FTP...

Is this a normal behavior of GraphWeather? Why is it? Or it's just an issue on my environment?

I'm running GraphWeather 3.0.15b with Davis VantagePro plugin, under Windows XP ( I have tried also with Windows 7 x86 with same results).

Thank you.

Best regards.

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