ci dessous une parti du code du fichier gauge.js que j'ai modifié pour ne pas afficher les jauges UV et radiation; mais sur la page elles apparaissent toujours. quel peut être le problème ?? pour se rendre compte?
* A starter gauges page for Cumulus and Weather Display, based
* on the JavaScript SteelSeries gauges by Gerrit Grunwald.
* Created by Mark Crossley, July 2011
* see scriptVer below for latest release
* File encoding = UTF-8
/*globals steelseries, LANG, changeLang, windRose, alert, unescape*/
/*jshint jquery:true nomen:false plusplus:false */
var gauges = (function () {
var strings = LANG.FR, //Set to your default language. Store all the strings in one object
config = {
// Script configuration parameters you may want to 'tweak'
scriptVer : '2.4.2 - 2013-06-10',
weatherProgram : 0, //Set 0=Cumulus, 1=Weather Display, 2=VWS, 3=WeatherCat, 4=Meteobridge
imgPathURL : '../images-graph/', //*** Change this to the relative path for your 'Trend' graph images
oldGauges : '', //*** Change this to the relative path for your 'old' gauges page.
counter : 60, //download data counter (secs, default 60)
gaugeMobileScaling: 1, //scaling factor to apply when displaying the gauges mobile devices, set to 1 to disable
graphUpdateTime : 10, //period of popup data graph refesh, in minutes (default 15)
stationTimeout : 3, //period of no data change before we declare the station offline, in minutes (default 3)
pageUpdateLimit : 20, //period after which the page stops automatically updating, in minutes (default 20),
// - set to 0 (zero) to disable this feature
pageUpdatePswd : 'its-me', //password to over ride the page updates timeout, do not set to blank even if you do not use a password
digitalFont : true, //Font control for the gauges & timer
digitalForecast : true, //Font control for the status display, set this to false for languages that use accented characters in the forecasts
showPopupData : true, //Popup data displayed
showPopupGraphs : true, //If popup data is displayed, show the graphs?
showWindVariation : true, //Show variation in wind direction over the last 10 minutes on the direction gauge
showIndoorTempHum : true, //Show the indoor temperature/humidity options
showUvGauge : false, //Display the UV Index gauge
showSolarGauge : false, //Display the Solar gauge
showRoseGauge : true, //Show the optional Wind Rose gauge
showRoseGaugeOdo : false, //Show the optional Wind Rose gauge Windrun Odometer
showGaugeShadow : true, //Show a drop shadow outside the gauges
// The realtime files should be absolute paths, "/xxx.txt" refers to the public root of your web server